

In the Return of the King Mercury Transmission in 2020, DK gave us the Core Activation meditation.

At the end of that meditation he said that once we have established a foundation in doing it as an individual, to explore doing it as the Earth as a whole.

Here is a version of that below for anyone who wants to experiment with it.


Connect to the three dark centres of your bodymind - crown, heart and base.

Sense them interpenetrating with the three dark centres of the planet - the north pole, the core of the Earth and the south pole.

Centre yourself in the core of the Earth via your heart, so that your heart is one with the core of the Earth.

Sense your body as the planet with all its ‘sheaths’ - the different energetic fields of the Earth.

Draw in the energy of the sun through the north pole at your crown and the moon through the south pole that is your base and mix them together in the heart.

Sense the dark core at the centre of the planet, which is one with the dark core of your heart, that is revealed at the centre of their union and enter this core.

This is a sensing meditation so attempt to feel from that core the sutratma or Life thread that has a direct connection to the planetary monad, the Life force of the planet as a whole.

Connect to the dark flow of energy that connects your heart that is one with the core of the Earth and from there via the core of the sun to the black hole at the core of the galaxy.

Realise that the Life at the core of the Earth, sensed through your heart centre, is not simply in contact with these cosmic centres, it is an extension of their Life coiled into the time and space density of this unique planet.

You as the Earth ARE that Life. Take time to identify with it.

Allow the reservoir of Life force to build in the core of the Earth that is one with your heart.

Use the Mantram of Life - given in an earlier work.

There is no soul

There is no time

There is no space

There is only Life

One Life

This Life I am

My will is for all my lesser selves

to know me at their core as the essence

the beginning and end of their existence

It is thus, as the One Life, I LIVE

Feel your love for all the lives that make up your bodies of manifestation that are all the kingdoms and energy fields of the planet.

Release this reservoir of Life so that it radiates omnidirectional from the core of the Earth - at one with your heart - as dark love, dark light and dark power.

Feel it effortlessly penetrating the core of all the beings on the planet, from all the lives on the physical surface of the Earth, to the lives on the subtle planes of the astral and mental planes too. All of these are lives awaiting activation and direction from you, the god and goddess of their world.

Sense the life and death nature of the planetary monadic energy that naturally destroys or ends those patterns of behaviour that the lives in the etheric, emotional or mental fields of the Earth have become accustomed to that are not aligned with your essential divinity. These take the form of complexes, patterns of thought, feelings and habitual activity that have developed in your absence.

Sense the purification that is taking place in these lives as they change their vibratory rate as a result of planetary core activation.

Sense the organisation through resonance that naturally occurs as the lives of the different kingdoms and energy fields of the planet express their core ‘note’ and find their way into the planetary centres and chakras - the different structures and dimensions of the planet on dense and subtle levels

Finally consciously radiate the Life-current along the verticality of the sushumna or central column that extends from the north pole at your crown to the south pole at your base. Add the energy of the sutratma to the antahkarana so that the connection from the south pole through the core of the Earth and the north pole to the core of the galaxy is actively vibrating.