What does it mean to truly live? Sometimes when people talk about truly LIVING in capital letters they mean a full on vibrant personality life – good food, great people, adventure, wonderful sexuality, beautiful locations, music and art – the key note is enjoyment and appreciation.
Base chakra work is really useful for two types of beings. Those who want to take off and fly and those who need to ‘land the plane’. Doves and Ravens.
These three terms are often used in conflated ways, especially by those in the realm of spiritual development. One of the reasons people feel some resistance to doing their shadow work is because of this confusion. This paper is an attempt to tease these distinctions apart and differentiate them in the interest of more loving integration in our individual and collective lives.
There it sits at the heart of so many of our mystery temples - a couple making love. Is it an actual physical and sexual act - an ancient goddess ritual from Sumeria or the Great Rite of Wiccan Paganism - that connects us to the life force and the renewal of earth at spring?
We all know the archetypal story: A power that once existed in the world has been lost, a light has dimmed and now all things exist in a state of half-way-ness, half-heartedness, half-aliveness. There is not enough of the power left so that we have the courage to break out of our daze, but it is not gone so completely that we have forgotten it.
This is a series of transmissions DK gave in the early 2000’s to Shamballa School and two other groups on inter-group work.
This paper looks at a possible wholistic framework for the effects of alignment with the galactic centre on the evolution of life and consciousness on Earth.
The black hole teachings allow us to experience something of our monadic reality and therefore something of the energy of planetary purpose.
When someone purports to be receiving transmissions of new information (as I have done myself) we are naturally cautious and want to compare the quality of that which is received with the immense contribution DK has offered to date.
“He who cannot howl will never find his pack ” Charles Simic. I confess that I have never been entirely trustworthy because I have not been totally truthful about who I am.
We might imagine on the path of ascent that we leave parts of our ‘selves’ identified with the etheric physical, astral, and mental planes representing Lemurian, Atlantean and Aryan consciousness respectively. The integration of these three is essential for healthy functioning.
The trouble with climbing high is that it means you can look down on others. One of the most difficult challenges prior to the third degree is mental pride, and it occurs for just this reason.
By way of clarifying our approach, I want to discuss the difference between initiation and identification.
Following on from the previous blog on Identification and Initiation, I want to talk about evolution in our tradition. In particular I want to confront those limitations embedded in earlier versions – the remnants of sexism, racism, anti-materialism, and so on.
Uranus rules the highest and lowest planes so under His rays She is revealed to us in all her glory once we reach the buddhic plane.
The wounded and abandoned consciousness that permeates our sheaths so needs to be listened to, honoured, without any justifications or explanations. And the transcendent consciousness that is our solar life needs to be broken free from identity and story on the mental plane so that it rests in pure awareness
To those identified with consciousness the unconscious and the superconscious are easily confused for both are not-conscious. Similarly, rebellion and sacrifice are both a resistance to the status quo.
One of the things that our tradition has is intricate maps of consciousness and cosmos – truly comprehensive, and yet the universal approach also needs to be simple and stripped of all esoteric language.
The Jaguar was thought to have the ability to cross between worlds as well as offer protection to Shamans as they themselves traversed the bridge between the earth and the spirit dimensions of reality.
Heading to the Mayan ruins on the Yucatan seemed like a fitting bookend to the 2012 journey which started at Kailas in Tibet.
If we understand that the process is to eventually ‘go dark’ and thus hold more current then we can hold a conscious approach that facillitates this – resulting in the ‘fast path’.
It seems relevant to me that both Alice A Bailey and Helena P Blavatsky were female, because there is a particularly feminine move in opening oneself to contact.
A soul-based partnership has its own partnership Soul-center & is a relationship attuned to this ‘inner’ Self, inner ‘Life’ aspect of the partnership or marriage itself, that ‘moves’ them forward.
The energy emanating from Shamballa is the animating force running through all ‘power points’, sacred centers or sites throughout the planet. Shamballa stands as the ‘One Central Point’ or innermost Heart of our Universal system.
To come out and say, especially earlier, that sex is intrinsic to one’s path, takes courage. Thankfully witch burnings and hanging for treason if you question the flat earth theory, are a thing of the past. In all its dimensions, sex is just about THE most important facet of our entire journey.
This post offers a compilation of references to the Temple of Power from the Trans-Himalayan Teachings.
In his work with Bruce, DK cites the use of the black hole at the centre of the galaxy as a cosmological symbol for the monad as one of the seven most significant aspects of his new teaching.
We are at the cross over point between civilisations. The best of times and the worst of times. As I have written extensively about elsewhere, the key cosmological symbol for this transition is the move from the sun at the centre to the black hole – the central spiritual sun.
Recently, I have been going deep into some teachings in the Trans-Himalayan (TH) teachings on what is called “the failure of the moon chain”.
I am the destroyer.
I am the one who brings death to universes, planets, bodies and illusions.
When their cycles have run their course,
My time has come.
This is compilation of teachings from Bruce Lyon, Alice Bailey and Lucille Cedercrans on the third initiation.
A list of the keynotes of the 5 major initiations.
There is no way, not in a million years
that I would change, or run away from
the enormity of the suffering
that so frequently characterises
this experience of being a human.
I have turned it all over
Emptied my pockets
Pulled out my heart
From the inside
Given up
Every possible future
And dispelled
All ideas borne
Out of false hope.
When this energy
Rips through
My body
All I want to do
Is take everything off
Drop down
To the floor
Raise my head
To the sky
And roar.
At a certain point on the “path,” the individual’s capacity becomes such that an irreversible commitment can be made. This commitment is akin to the Bodhisattva vow; it is the anchoring down of a newly-established orientation towards the service of All.
Heart-Fire is unveiled in the midst of irreconcilability - when the mind is presented with something it truly cannot work out.
There comes a time for us all when we see that a deeper step than ‘having a purpose’ is coming to know that we are purpose.
A transmission on the soul’s willingness to offer itself up as a sacrifice to the One.
All spiritual traditions are custodians of a transmission. Essentially, that transmission embodies an assertion as to the wonder, goodness, and power of Reality. The Trans-Himalayan tradition is no exception.
Recently I read the Mercury passage on “The Keynote of the Modern Day Mystery School” again and came to really lean into the depth of truth involved in the fact that humanity’s working with the monadic Life principle, and the divine Will, Purpose and Power inherent in it, is definitely emergent.
In Ancient Egypt, it appears that after an initiate had passed through the lesser mysteries, as part of the greater mysteries, there was what was described in the Hermetica as their highest initiation, called the Black Rite.
In Alice Bailey and Bruce Lyon’s work, it is described that the Mystery Schools will re-emerge in locations connected to their ancient counterparts, and we will likely see a reconnection to the ancient monuments and temples of initiation that remain today around the world, and the construction of new ones.
In ancient, pre-axial age cultures, from Ancient Egypt to the British Isles to Vedic India and the Himalayas, to South America, Chaldea, Sumeria, Ancient Greece, Babylon and others, there were esoteric traditions of initiation that guided men and women to awaken as souls, then to awaken as the One, and then to embody that on earth.
True Power is a quality of spirit – the indestructible core of our being that is deeper than personality and deeper even than soul.
First the soul realises its freedom from its identifications with the sheaths it is embedded in - mind, emotions and body. This freedom is a process of detachment and dis-identification and it is known as the Path of Discipleship.
Those of us who are called and who have the opportunity to respond on behalf of the whole are on the great adventure of our times and there is tremendous aid available from the synergistic evolutionary currents.
The problem with words is that they both liberate and imprison in what T S Eliot has called the constant ‘raid on the inarticulate’. When we finally ‘name’ something that has been intangible to us we bring it into manifestation – we coalesce an energy being into form.
We are at the dawn of a very different form of relating between men and women. It began in the sixties as people began to break out of gender stereotypes and traditional forms of sexual orientation and identification.
When we speak of the seventh ray in the Age of Aquarius it is a cosmic or life ray we are talking about.
True spiritual freedom lies on the far side of a door labelled ‘sacrifice’. It is a door that many approach at some stage upon their spiritual journey but one which few people try the handle of and even fewer generate the strength to push open against the weight of their own fears and doubts.
Astrologically speaking we are on the cusp of a great age change from Pisces to Aquarius. This shift of energy is gradually transforming many areas of our lives including relationship.
We incarnate in groups. We have ashramic affiliations. Once the fusion process between soul and personality begins, our life and relationships heat up as we burn in the fires between the two wheels of our karmic responsibilities and our soul’s destiny.
As I move into the third phase of my life through the second Saturn return I am pausing to consider what the main themes have been and how they are bearing a fruit of synthesis in this third phase.