“A condition of complete simplicity that costs nothing less than everything”. T.S. Elliot
This meditation is to support people to access their monadic core. The process of doing that is radically simple. And yet as T.S. Elliot said, that simplicity demands our everything. It requires us to come to our heart, come to a place of truly sincere and naked surrender, and give our consent to the power, love, and creativity of our monadic core, where we are a dark ray of the One, to come online through our life.
Take a posture you can be present, energetically open and available to yourself as you do this practice
Now come to your heart.
Acknowledge and honour whatever might be moving in the personal layer of your heart.
Acknowledge and honour whatever might be moving in the soul layer of your heart.
Then, in the temple of your own heart, come to a place of sincere, naked honesty.
A place that is raw, vulnerable, and exposed to life.
A place that even though it might be quiet and inner, is one where you know you can make decisions that can affect your whole life.
There, start to tune into your consent to open yourself to the power, love, and creativity of the One that lives in your core.
Feel into your willingness to offer your self – your identity – up on the altar to be penetrated, pierced, and opened by the power, love, and creativity of the One.
Acknowledge how this symbolic death is a doorway to true Life.
Be present to the vulnerability and courage that this might raise in you.
Be present to the reality that the Life force may bring new beginnings, empowerment, awakening, activation and it may also bring death and unresolved karma to be moved through so you can be free.
Connect to your purity of motive in calling in Life, and your trust that whether it brings new beginnings or endings, it will bring what is right.
Then, if it is true for you, sound your ‘yes’ within the inner space of your heart.
And stay there.
In that naked, sincere place of surrender. Rest here in full surrender to Life. Just be, in the truth of your surrender.
If there are distractions that come, notice that and let them go. Come back to just being in this space of surrender.
Allow that surrender to become an inner posture of your being.
Remember that for the Life force of your dark core to come, it only requires one thing - your willingness to put everything on the altar so as to make yourself truly available to Life.
As you rest in this, there may start to be pulses of the Life-current in the space of your heart, like a current of electricity. Particularly through the back of the heart between the shoulder blades where the current of spirit plugs into the body-mind.
Whether that comes or not, just keep resting, simply being, as a sacrifice to Life.
When these pulses of Life-current do come online, they may become stronger and more frequent, and you will start to feel how the will of the One wants to pour through your being.
Let yourself keep opening to this current of power, love, and creativity. Allow yourself to open to how it wants to pour through you and express through your life.
At a certain point, as the current becomes more stable and if you allow your consciousness to be absorbed into it, your experience of it may cross over into the dark, like light being consumed across the event horizon of a black hole.
At this point there may be an innate realisation, without there being a self to have it, of the monadic dark that vibrates at the core of all things.