

This is a meditation given in the Mercury Transmissions that is focussed on supporting people to access the current of monadic life in the core of their heart. It invites us to learn how to open to the monadic current so we can be a receiver of life as well as a source of life to the fields we are connected to.


Gather all the energies of the soul into the heart centre using the imaginative breath.

Breathe them down from their extensions in consciousness and the subtle worlds.

Breathe them up from their extensions through the lower chakras and the earth. This can be likened to withdrawing the life force or sap from the branches and the roots into the centre of the trunk.

Hold the life force in the heart centre allowing it to build in strength

Draw in the heart energies that have extended themselves outwards towards the hearts of others.

Turn all these energies inward towards the door at the back of the heart and wait. This door must be opened from the outside.

Send through a request - an invocation from the heart - for connection to the source of your life.

When the door opens allow yourself to be drawn back along the stream of your life force to find its central spring or origin.

Rest there.

Repeat the process if you want to be drawn deeper along the life thread.

After this process feels complete return to the centre of your own heart.

Sense into the sphere or ecosystem that is watered through your heart.

Send out streams of this energy of love and life combined.

Note where there are requests from those within your sphere to come in for renewal. Draw them in.

Note where there are requests for penetration. Pour out life force through them.

This process happens beyond normal time and space and will develop the peculiar sensitivity of the heart to life currents.

As you develop this practise you will find that it becomes an automatic process and you will also become sensitive to the great cycle of inbreath and out breath in the greater spheres of the world and cosmos. The Law of Assembly which is one of the organising laws of Shamballa operates along these lines.