What does it mean to truly live? Sometimes when people talk about truly LIVING in capital letters they mean a full on vibrant personality life – good food, great people, adventure, wonderful sexuality, beautiful locations, music and art – the key note is enjoyment and appreciation.
Landing the Raven: Working with the Base Chakra - Bruce Lyon
Darkness, Shadow and Evil - Bruce Lyon
These three terms are often used in conflated ways, especially by those in the realm of spiritual development. One of the reasons people feel some resistance to doing their shadow work is because of this confusion. This paper is an attempt to tease these distinctions apart and differentiate them in the interest of more loving integration in our individual and collective lives.
Hieros Gamos: A Re-turning Of The Temple Mysteries - Bruce Lyon
Return of the Phallus - Bruce Lyon
We all know the archetypal story: A power that once existed in the world has been lost, a light has dimmed and now all things exist in a state of half-way-ness, half-heartedness, half-aliveness. There is not enough of the power left so that we have the courage to break out of our daze, but it is not gone so completely that we have forgotten it.
Thoughts on Death at the Capricorn Full Moon - Bruce Lyon
Three Jewels Transmissions from DK
A New Era. A New Cosmology. A New Alignment - Bruce Lyon
The Galactic Centre and Evolution on Earth - Bruce Lyon
Further Thoughts on the Black Hole Teachings - Bruce Lyon
On Inspired Writings - Bruce Lyon
Heart Howl - Bruce Lyon
Tantra and the Trans-Himalayan Tradition - Bruce Lyon
The Mount of Initiation - Bruce Lyon
Identification and Initiation: States and Stages - Bruce Lyon
The Evolution of the Trans-Himalayan Tradition - Bruce Lyon
Some Impressions of the Mother of the World - Bruce Lyon
Going Masculine and Feminine for a Moment - Bruce Lyon
The wounded and abandoned consciousness that permeates our sheaths so needs to be listened to, honoured, without any justifications or explanations. And the transcendent consciousness that is our solar life needs to be broken free from identity and story on the mental plane so that it rests in pure awareness